The Women’s Economic Security Act became effective August 1, 2014, and applies to all employers with 21 or more employees.  While the law was designed to improve working conditions for women, it applies to both women and men.  The law provides that “familial status” is now a protected class, and an employer may not refuse to hire, discharge or otherwise discriminate against a person  with respect to the terms and conditions of employment based on their familial status. The law also provides protection for employees who are pregnant or in the process of securing legal custody of an individual who has not attained the age of majority.  The law governs the entitlement to unpaid parental and pregnancy leave, accommodations for pregnant employees, and unpaid break time for nursing mothers.

For more information about this topic or other employment law issues contact Will Partridge at Farrish Johnson Law Office, 507-625-2525.


This webpage contains general information and not legal advice. It is based on Minnesota law in effect at the time of writing. An attorney at Farrish Johnson can advise you about how the law applies to your specific situation.