Just the FAQs: Minnesota’s Ban on Non-Compete Agreements
Non-Compete Agreements have always been disfavored in the eyes of the law. Now they are banned in Minnesota. Here is what you need to...
Just the FAQs: Earned Sick and Safe Time
Effective January 1, 2024, Minnesota employers must provide employees with paid time off, which can be used for certain reasons, such as sickness of...
Unsolicited comments about an employee to other employers could give rise to defamation claims.
On January 30, 2023, in Abdul-Haqq v. LaLiberte, the Minnesota court of appeals held that “Minnesota law does not recognize a qualified privilege for...
Unemployment Law in Minnesota: If an Employee Quits
In Minnesota, a former employee may still receive unemployment benefits if he or she falls under one of ten exceptions. One of the most...
Is it Time to Update your Employee Handbook?
Once you have an Employee Handbook, it is easy to put it on the shelf and forget about it. But new rules, regulations, policies,...
Unemployment Law in Minnesota
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many uncertainties to our society, including to our work force. Many people had to quit their job or were...