The jury has reached a verdict in the wrongful death civil suit against Jennifer Nibbe: the jury awarded the Nibbe family, James’ mother and three siblings, $220,000 for his wrongful death.

Today the jury was asked to decide how much in damages Jennifer Nibbe owed to the Nibbe family.  Nibbe family attorney, Scott Kelly, says, “It’s very difficult to put a number on the death of a loved one.”

The jury returned a verdict including damages in the amount of $220,000, taking into consideration the wages Jim would have earned, assistance he provided to his family, and the loss of companionship.

This after many members of the Nibbe family offered emotional testimony, saying no amount of money will ever bring him back.

Scott Kelly indicated he was pleased with the amount awarded, acknowledging the difficult decision presented before the jury.  The case will continue tomorrow where the Nibbe family will seek punitive damages.  This could bring out an additional amount of money Jennifer Nibbe would have to pay.