Scott Kelly Presents Stray Voltage Update at NRECA Seminar
Attorney Scott Kelly presented his Stray Voltage Update at the 2013 National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Legal Seminar on June 7 in National Harbor, MD, just outside Washington, D.C. NRECA is the national service organization for more than 900 not-for-profit rural electric cooperatives and public power districts providing retail electric service to more than 42 million consumers in 47 states and whose retail sales account for approximately 12 percent of total electricity sales in the United States. The NRECA Legal Seminar provided updates on key legal, regulatory, legislative and governance issues by industry experts. Scott’s Stray Voltage seminar focused on theories of liabilities, emphasized the need for a standardized definition of stray voltage and establishing standardized test measurements, preventative action level and other issues.
Scott has extensive experience in stray voltage litigation, defending electric utilities throughout the state in stray voltage claims, which are extremely complex and involve millions of dollars in claims and commingling of electrical science, engineer, and dairy and veterinary science. In defending these actions, Scott works closely with industry experts in case investigation and developing trial strategy. He will be presenting again at NRECA’s Legal Seminar in San Francisco this August.