Despite new legislation protecting small businesses, so-called “drive-by” law suits are being filed against small businesses across Minnesota under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA) for things like handicapped parking lot, entry access, and bathroom violations. A fresh wave of these lawsuits has been hitting local Mankato area businesses within the past several weeks.

The new law in Minnesota gives more protections to small businesses, such as the right to notice and a chance to fix potential violations before suit is filed. Federal courts have also disfavored these serial suits.

If you are a small business owner, and you have been sued for parking lot, entrance access, bathroom, or other violations under the ADA or the MHRA, you may be able to protect yourself from liability if you act fast. Even if you have not yet been sued, it may be wise to review your building and parking lot in order to ensure that you are in compliance with the ADA and the MHRA.

For questions regarding this or any other issues involving your business, contact Paul Moosbrugger at Farrish Johnson Law Office at 507-625-2525.