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Is it Time To Review Your Liability Waiver?
Many businesses use liability waivers – a release signed by customers to prevent them from suing the business in the event they get hurt....
Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Advisory Council Legislative Proposal
During its meeting on February 15, 2017, the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Advisory Council (WCAC) discussed a legislative proposal to add post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)...
Minnesota Supreme Court Clarifies Scope of Expungement Statute
The Minnesota Supreme Court has now clarified certain aspects of Minnesota’s expungement law. The issue is whether a criminal felony conviction, not able to...
Rights for Minnesota Nursing Mothers
Minnesota law protects nursing mothers both inside and outside of the workplace. Mothers may breast-feed in any location, public or private, so long as...
Protect Yourself and Your Business Against Drive-By ADA Lawsuits
Despite new legislation protecting small businesses, so-called “drive-by” law suits are being filed against small businesses across Minnesota under the Americans with Disabilities Act...
Jesse Ventura — $1.8 Million Dollar Verdict Reversed on Appeal
The Eighth Circuit for the United States Court of Appeals reversed an award to Jesse Ventura of $1.8 million dollars against the “American Sniper”...
Nationwide Injunction Stops Implementation of New Overtime Rule
Earlier this year the Department of Labor issued a rule that would automatically extend overtime pay eligibility to salaried workers earning less than $913...
Thank You-Furniture for Flood Families was a Success!
We would like to take a moment to thank everyone that made Furniture for Flood Families a success. Thank you to our partners: Madison...
My New House Has a Wet Basement, What Can I Do?
The recent, heavy rainfall has resulted in many in southern Minnesota experiencing wet basements. If you recently constructed a new home, you would not...