This web site was prepared by Farrish Johnson Law Office, Chtd., to inform people about our services. This site is for informational purposes only. The information is not and is not meant to be considered legal advice and may not reflect the opinions of Farrish Johnson or its attorneys or clients. The information is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or current. We make no express or implied warranty about the accuracy or reliability of the information on this web site or any of the web site’s links. The links are to help locate resources. Farrish Johnson is not affiliated with or sponsoring any of those sites.

This site does not create and is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship. You should not rely on any information at this site without seeking the advice of an attorney. Legal services are an important matter that should not be based on web sites. If you are interested in becoming a client of Farrish Johnson, please e-mail or call us so we can determine whether yours is a matter we are willing to accept. E-mail messages may not be confidential or privileged. Farrish Johnson has attempted to comply with all legal and ethical requirements in creating this web site.

Information provided on these pages was obtained from several sources, including but not limited to: Finance and Commerce online with some trading company online as forex trader, continuing legal education courses, legal dictionaries, and references.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.