Rights for Minnesota Nursing Mothers
Minnesota law protects nursing mothers both inside and outside of the workplace. Mothers may breast-feed in any location, public or private, so long as...
Protect Yourself and Your Business Against Drive-By ADA Lawsuits
Despite new legislation protecting small businesses, so-called “drive-by” law suits are being filed against small businesses across Minnesota under the Americans with Disabilities Act...
Jesse Ventura — $1.8 Million Dollar Verdict Reversed on Appeal
The Eighth Circuit for the United States Court of Appeals reversed an award to Jesse Ventura of $1.8 million dollars against the “American Sniper”...
Nationwide Injunction Stops Implementation of New Overtime Rule
Earlier this year the Department of Labor issued a rule that would automatically extend overtime pay eligibility to salaried workers earning less than $913...
Thank You-Furniture for Flood Families was a Success!
We would like to take a moment to thank everyone that made Furniture for Flood Families a success. Thank you to our partners: Madison...
My New House Has a Wet Basement, What Can I Do?
The recent, heavy rainfall has resulted in many in southern Minnesota experiencing wet basements. If you recently constructed a new home, you would not...