Are Workplace Injuries Covered if I am now Working from Home?
Mankato Workplace Injury Attorney Minnesota Governor Tim Walz recently declared the coronavirus a “peacetime emergency”, and recommended certain actions for controlling its spread. One of...
Case Law Update
Due to the coronavirus, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz signed executive order 20-01, postponing deadlines imposed by statute, including statutes of limitations. Governor Walz passed...
Am I covered by workers’ comp due to coronavirus at work?
Nearly everybody who continues to go to work through these difficult times has a number of questions lingering in the back of their mind,...
New Federal Legislation Requires Paid Time Off Related to COVID-19
On March 18, Congress enacted the Families First Coronavirus Response Act which imposes obligations on many employers to provide temporary paid benefits to employees....
COVID-19 Virus Concerns Trigger Estate Planning Questions
Do I need a living will or healthcare directive? Should I have a power of attorney in place? Does my will or trust need...
Seven Guidelines for Parents Who Are Divorce/Separated and Sharing Custody of Children During the COVID19 Pandemic
Leaders from the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) and AFCC have released guidelines for coparenting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Seven Guidelines for Parents...