New Family Laws Passed in August 2024
Have you ever been in a situation where your former partner is withholding parenting time from you with your child(ren) during a custody dispute?...
Engagement Ring: Who gets the ring after a divorce?
I often get asked, “Andy, who gets the engagement ring after the divorce?” Typically, one partner buys the other an engagement ring before they...
Is There a Limit for Child Support Payments in MN?
In decades past, a mother would have primary custody of the children after a divorce. The father would typically have the children every other...
Is My Stipulated Divorce Decree a Binding Contract?
Mankato Family Law Attorneys at Farrish Johnson Divorce is life changing. Sometimes, it comes as a complete surprise. Regardless of the side you stand...
Child Custody Disputes for Cohabitating Parents
Southern Minnesota Family Law Attorneys Are you going through a difficult time after you broke up with your significant other? If this is the...
An Uncontested Divorce Can Proceed Outside The Courtroom Under Certain Conditions
Mankato Family Law Attorneys It is possible to complete a marriage dissolution with minimal or no court attendance if you meet certain requirements. Minnesota’s laws are...