Severance Agreement Review
Have you been presented with a severance agreement in conjunction with your termination from employment? Also known as a termination agreement, a severance agreement...
Minnesota Pregnancy Accommodation Law
Minnesota law requires employers with 21 or more employees at one or more sites to provide reasonable accommodation to an employee for health conditions...
Minnesota Adds “Familial Status” as a Protected Class
Employers in Minnesota need to revise their non-discrimination and equal opportunity policies to include familial status as a protected class. Under Minnesota law, familial...
Wage Disclosure Protection Law –State and Federal Law Changes.
Every Minnesota employer must comply with the Wage Disclosure Protection law. Under this law, no employer can prohibit employees from disclosing or discussing their...
Same-Sex Marriage — Spouses with Employment Benefits
In June 2015 the United States Supreme Court issued a decision holding that same-sex marriage is guaranteed by the 14th Amendment to the U.S....
Marijuana in the Workplace
Minnesota is one of 34 states that have legalized marijuana for the treatment of certain medical conditions. Approved medical use started July 1, 2015. ...