Due to COVID-19, Minnesota CLE has suspended all in-person CLE Replays from March 16th through May 8th. Therefore, the following replays at our office will be cancelled:

Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Law 50
Friday, March 27, 2020

Uninsured, Underinsured, No-Fault & Bodily Injury Update
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Friday, April 17, 2020

Advising the Disadvantaged
Session – Day 1 and Day 2
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Understanding Trusts–Practical Advice on Creating & Administering Trusts
Friday, May 8, 2020

Minnesota CLE will be converting this CLE replay to their “On Demand classroom,” so it may be streamed at the convenience of the registrant.

All Live In-Person seminars at the CLE Center in Minneapolis, as well as the Family Law Institute, are similarly cancelled. Contact Minnesota CLE with any questions.


This webpage contains general information and not legal advice, nor is it an exhaustive representation of its subject matter. It is based on Minnesota law in effect at the time of writing. An attorney at Farrish Johnson can advise you about how the law applies to your specific situation.