If a married couple has children, custody can become a major issue in divorce. Sometimes custody is easily decided between the parties, but other times both parents may want custody of the children. Divorce court judges will exercise their discretion in these cases after careful evaluation of the situation, as every case is unique. It is because a judge is left with the final decision that the outcome can be unpredictable.
With the help of an experienced Southern Minnesota divorce attorney, you can move through the process knowing more of what to expect than you would otherwise. Having honest and straightforward guidance can make a significant difference for you.
Types Of Custody
There are two types of custody. They are legal custody and physical custody.
When a parent has legal custody, the parent plays a decision-making role in the child’s life. They also make decisions regarding the upbringing of the child.
The parent with physical custody is the primary caregiver.
It is possible for one parent to have sole custody of the child, but it is possible for both parents to have a significant relationship with the child that warrants joint physical custody.
Guidance Through The Court Process
The court weighs numerous factors when determining what is in the best interest of the child. Your Southern Minnesota divorce lawyer will be able to prepare you for the evaluation and fight for what you want and need for you and your child.
Contact A Mankato Divorce Lawyer
There are many factors that go into determining custody, and it is up to the discretion of the divorce court judge if the parents can’t agree. It is important that you are properly prepared for the evaluation that will take place and that you have the legal representation needed to advocate for you and your child’s interests. To learn more, call Farrish Johnson Law Office, CHTD at 507-625-2525 to request a free consultation.